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Others packages that caught the eye of X-ray scanners at the border agency’s mail processing facility in Toronto included 950 pills of methandienone, an anabolic steroid used to aid muscle growth. A typical order to a Kitchener address was 500 yellow, diamond-shaped pills of Stanozolol ‘ the steroid linked to sports doping scandals from Ben Johnson to Barry Bonds. Another seizure was of 500 Methanoplex tablets, a potent steroid that can cause estrogen-like effects in men. The seizures ‘ which experts say are just a drop in the bucket in the river flowing into Canada ‘ show just how common ordering from steroid websites has become. With names like steroid, test-e 300 mg injectable steroids $45.00 testosterone enanthate. Except, of course, they’re illegal. It’s dirt cheap and it just comes in the mail,’ said Dusty Payne, a Washington, DC-based expert on steroids with the U. But that hasn’t stopped hundreds of websites from popping up, offering huge inventories of the drugs at rock-bottom prices, no questions asked. The operators of these websites are constantly on the move, trying to avoid authorities. Some maintain dozens of domain names as a virtual front for their basement and garage laboratories, making them hard to trace. Many websites buy their product in raw form from China, repackage it and ship it off to addresses across North America. If your order is stopped by customs officers, don’t sweat it, they say. They’ll simply send out another one. The risk is worth it to these websites because the markup on the drugs is so high, sometimes as much as 30 times. They figured out they can deal with China directly, and they’re going to ship me a ton of steroids for next to nothing, pennies almost,’ Payne said. Investigators say the online steroid industry is simply too big and too mobile to stop, and there are far more high-profile drugs that get more resources and public attention. In 2007, American drug agents, working with Canadian police, busted 56 steroid labs across the U. It was the largest steroid crackdown is U. But even that was just a bump in the road for the booming black market industry. The problem is steroid and growth hormone use is no longer just the realm of professional athletes, body builders and wrestlers. Now, many users are just guys (and some girls) who just want to look strong with less effort. Tens of thousands of these casual users are believed to be behind a spike in seizures of illegal mail-order steroids by Canada’s border officials. Last year, 1,920 courier and mail shipments of steroids were stopped at Canada’s three international mail processing centres. In 2008, the Canada Border Services Agency seized 1,624 shipments of foreign-made steroids that Canadians tried to have mailed into the country. That’s not to speak of the volume of steroids and growth hormone sent through domestic mail warehouses, driven across the border or smuggled through airports.
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