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Trenbolone (Injectable) Trenbolone is arguably the most powerful steroid available to bodybuilders, causing rapid changes in body composition that take place within the first week of use. Although Trenbolone, the active metabolite of Trenbolone, is known primarily for its ability to produce rapid muscle hypertrophy, it has also been associated with a variety of other adverse health effects (see Table). The primary effects of Trenbolone are caused by the inhibition or inhibition of the enzyme 5α-reductase, which converts testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and is found mainly in the adrenal gland. Since the body is unable to produce DHT itself, DHT can be produced as a response to the steroid exposure. Over the course of several weeks of use, DHT levels in the blood will increase and an increase in testosterone levels will result. While DHT is not very stable inside the body (it will not stick to other chemicals), it is an organic compound that will degrade very slowly in the kidneys, liver and bone. If a bodybuilder has high levels of DHT in a tissue or on the skin, the body will respond aggressively to the increased levels of testosterone. DHT can also be formed in the liver and bone (but not the kidneys). The adrenals also accumulate DHT, which causes the adrenals and other hormone producing organs to produce a strong and rapidly moving cortisol that can suppress the testicles. This can cause the adrenals to drop and cause some of the bodybuilders who have been using high levels of Trenbolone to have abnormally low levels of testosterone. Since the adrenals and other hormone producing organs can no longer produce their full supply of DHT, the body will begin a slow decline in testosterone levels. The bodybuilder can often have a significant effect on this cycle, with very little to no effects on muscle building performance. Trenbolone is not a stimulant by any definition. It is most closely related to the hormone insulin which is secreted by the pancreas (a.k.a. the “tomboy hormone” in bodybuilders). Trenbolone will cause the body to produce more insulin, which will raise the level of blood glucose and thus make it more difficult for the body to keep its normal blood sugar level. This will often result in the bodybuilder having to cut back on food intake and lose weight. If the bodybuilder does not maintain normal blood glucose levels, the body will experience signs of insulin resistance that can cause death by as many as 20% (see this paper, Trenbolone: Does It Kill You?). This could occur even if the Tren

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