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Testosterone levels has little impact on the amount of muscle you gain. In men, testosterone helps maintain and develop: sexual features; muscle mass; adequate levels of red blood cells; bone density; sense of well-. It also affects muscle mass, bone mass, red blood cell production, and even the way men store fat. Testosterone is an essential hormone for men. In skeletal muscle, testosterone is thought to be highly anabolic. If you listen to sports radio, it seems as if every other ad is pushing a new low testosterone (low-t) treatment: more energy! bigger muscles! Low testosterone can cause numerous symptoms, from changes in your muscle mass and bone health, to issues that affect mood, energy and sexual. A recent study found that higher levels of testosterone were associated with reduced loss of lean muscle mass in older men, especially in. That is, the subjects on the low end of normal weren’t that far behind. When testosterone levels fall, a man may notice symptoms that include fatigue, loss of muscle and bone mass, and sexual dysfunction. The body builds muscle because it thinks you’re doing a laborious task and extra muscle is needed. Testosterone isn’t the only factor in muscle. Later, in adulthood, symptoms of insufficient testosterone can include: reduced energy levels; low muscle mass; infertility and/or erectile. Increase muscle tone, and end male menopause, among other things

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