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[6] Another study also looked at the exogenous IGF-1 effect on body weight and BMI gain and found exogenous IGF-1 was not as effective as oral HGH and this also showed a negative effect on the body fat percentage. [1] One study looking at IGF-1 and weight gained noted that HGH was not as effective as oral IGF-1, but that it was able to increase fat cell size and body fat percentage. [7] Another study also looked at the effect of exogenous IGF-1 on body weight, body composition, and fat mass. [8] Another study that also looked at the exogenous IGF-1 effects, found that bodybuilders given exogenous IGF-1 gained the most body fat, british dragon steroids uk review. HGH is being used for every tactic there is in the realm of bodybuilding, from cutting cycle to put on the bulk, HGH is the Man!It will help you get bigger in size AND keep you lean. 1000 mg testosteron per week

