Lightning Link Twitter – How to Integrate Twitter With Your BlogLightning Link is a new service that promises to increase your Twitter followers by allowing you to link Twitter to your blog. This makes Twitter a better place to promote your business through word of mouth. So what exactly does it do?


In a nutshell, it’s a plug-in for your blog. This way you can make it easier for your readers and potential blog subscribers to find you. It displays Twitter tweets that are related to your niche on your blog. It automatically updates your twitter lists with the latest tweets. If you have a WordPress blog, then this plug-in will work with the WordPress plugin “WP-Flip.” Does it work? It works for me!

My blog network now has nearly two thousand twitter followers and many people ask me questions there. Some even tell me how they are monetizing their blogs. The only thing I haven’t done yet is to set up my Lightning Link account, but it’s free so I’m just going to try it out for this week. How do you get started? I got a nice little website (istration is free) that also acts as my blog. It looks like a blog with tabs for each topic. I’ll start each of them with a tweet and add a Lightning Link in the bottom of the page.

I’ve also created a Twitter list for people to subscribe to my feed. Now it’s all about promoting my business. How do you promote your blog using twitter? You’ll need a plug-in for Twitter called TwitPic. You put a small code in your website and copy and paste your Twitter URL where ever you want your post to show up. You can also use Firefox Twitter plug-in and paste your Twitter URL where ever you want your post to show up. That’s it. So why do you need it?

Why don’t you already have a Twitter list or a way to post to your Twitter account like Firefox? Because Twitter works really great, but has some drawbacks. For one, there is no direct connection between your blog and your twitter account. That means if you follow someone on Twitter and they followed you, your tweets are viewable only to you and to people you follow. Another bad thing about Twitter is that it doesn’t let you track stats.

That means you can’t know how many people are following you, or if your blog is getting any traffic. But Twitter has changed! In my opinion, it’s better than Google because it shows you real-time data. But it’s still not as great as Ping-O-Matic because you can’t see the traffic sources. With this little bit of plug-in, I’ll be able to tell at a glance if my blog is getting any hits from Twitter. The idea of this little plug-in is to make it easier for me to track my network marketing business.

And since I’m only using Twitter for business reasons, it makes sense to track what’s working and what’s not. This will save me time and money, which I need in my network marketing business right now. There are a bunch of other Twitter plug-ins that I’ve found helpful. These are just the basics. The goal is to be able to plug-in my Twitter updates into my blog automatically so that my readers will see new content as I publish it.

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