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Other common names and terms: primobolic, alphabolin, primodex, primobol, primotest,primobolan depot, primobolan, primoplex, primo, pharma prim, primabolan,. 00 testovorin depot 250 mg bm pharmaceuticals $38. Substance: methenolone enanthate haf life : 10 – 14 days (injectable), 4-6 h (oral) detection time: 4-6 weeks class: anabolic steroid effective dose(oral):. — la dosis de primobolan depot es de 400 mg, una vez a la semana. Primobolan preço comprimido – primo 100 mg primo is an injectable. I am thinking of running primo at 100mg ew and winstrol at 50mg ew. — if we could, we’d love to divide anabolic steroids into two categories. There are the primary steroids, like testosterone, trenbolone and. — primo is an injectable anabolic steroid containing methenolone enanthate with added ester. Method of administration: primo can be administered in both injectable and oral. — release form – 5 ampoules at 100 mg/ml. Active ingredient – methenolone enanthate (primobolan depot). Primo 100, also known as “primobolan”. — primo is an injectable anabolic steroid containing methenolone enanthate with added ester. Product: primo 100 mg 1 ml; category: injectable. — we know men that use 100mg per day (but this is not recommended). Stack it with other anabolic steroids such winstrol, primobolan,. Alphabolin (vial) 10ml vial (100mg/ml) for sale in uk · alphabolin 5 ampoules (100mg/ml) for sale in uk · magnum primo. 1 ml de primobolan depot contiene 100 mg de metenolona enantato en solución inyectable. 1 ampolla de primobolan depot intramuscular cada 2 semanas. Boldenone primobolan cycle. On average, and primobolan depot stacks will with any other anabolic steroid. Product: primo 100 mg 10 ml. Category: injectable steroids ingridient: methenolone enanthate manufacture: para pharma qty: 1 vial. Primobolan is an oral anabolic steroid that is a little unique compared to many oral anabolic steroids. Primobolan tablete cena – primo 100 mg 1 vial 10 ml Home of SA-Anabolic Review, primobolan depot 100 mg injectable steroids primobolan, primo.

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