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This is an example of a natural steroid. Anabolic steroids are synthetically made chemicals to mimic testosterone to help people build muscle mass, but they come with a long list of adverse side effects. Winstrol Dianabol Deca-Durabolin Trenbolone Anadrol Sustanol Anavol Somatropin Clenbuterol Anovor HCG HGH. DMAA’s (Dimethylamylamine) Avoid At All Costs. Any supplement with DMAA’s in them should be avoided at all times. The concern with these products is that they will restrict blood vessels, which will lead to shortness of breath, increased chances of hypertension, tightening of the chest, which can lead to a heart attack. Can You Buy Winstrol Legally. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been asked this even after repeating the same paragraph you read above. The following anabolic steroids are not legal and should never be used to build muscle or burn fat, they are very dangerous, and the effects are very unpredictable, buy rimobolan 100 mg injectable steroids primobolan, primo. Do Not Take These Anabolic Steroids. Dianabol Trenbolone Anadrol Decadurabolin Sustanon Winstrol Somatropin Ininstrol Clenbuterol Anovor Prostanozol HGH HCG. Why You Should Never Use Anabolic Steroids. Increased Heart Disease ‘ Taking anabolic steroids diminishes the heart’s ability to rest and cause atherosclerotic coronary artery disease. Increased Aggression ‘ While taking anabolic steroids, you will cause secondary hormonal changes that will result in irritability, aggression, mood disorders, and mental imbalance. Enlarged Breasts In Men ‘ Steroids are converted into estrogen by the body; these increased estrogen levels will cause men to develop (gynecomastia) unwanted breast tissue. This breast tissue will not go away, even after you discontinue use. Loss Of Testicular Function ‘ Another side effect of hormonal imbalance is the decreased function of a male’s testes, leading to lower testosterone levels and shrinkage of your testicles. Low Sperm Counts ‘ When you take steroids, it increases your testosterone by taking testosterone from other parts of your body; one of these areas is your testicles. This leads to low sperm counts and the ability to reproduce. Baldness ‘ Anabolic steroids will make your body produce more massive amounts of Dihydrotestosterone, which causes your hair follicles to die and not grow back. High Blood Pressure ‘ If you’ve ever taken a topical steroid, you know that it makes your body retain water; this leads to high blood pressure or hypertension. And will eventually lead to cardiovascular disease. Acne ‘ Increased androgen levels will cause glands in your skin to produce more oil than your body can get rid of, causing acne. Kidney Disease ‘ Anabolic steroids will affect your kidneys in different ways. They can induce or aggravate acute kidney injury, chronic kidney disease, and glomerular toxicity.
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